Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Starting small.

In the last 15 months I have been working on mastering the art of producing a somewhat healthy, slightly elevated, definitely tasty, and assuredly quick dinner at least 5 nights a week while working with my toddler (aka Carpet Lizard, aka Chubby Dictator) underfoot.

It’s been a challenge. And so I thought about it some more and I realized if it is a challenge for me, who actually LIKES to cook, it has to be hard for all other parents out there, or people without children but with hard jobs, and so while this is hardly the most creative idea to hit the internet, I thought I’d start writing every so often about what we’ve been eating, and how it made it to our table (or, often, to the trays in front of Top Chef). And add in some comments if it was good (or horrendous), and what I learned.

I promise lots of pictures, and I promise will be honest about when I fail and order in 4 nights in a row.

The first 9 days of 2013 have been about us doing Bon Appetit's Food Lovers Cleanse. We did the 2012 version, simply because clearly the editors at Bon Appetit are publishing this for people without children or full time jobs as the 2013 version came out on New Years Eve. Taking on a project like this takes at least 5 days of mental preparation and 3 grocery store trips with my charming, lovable 25 lb boss. 

It also has taken a lot more time and effort (and money) than I budgeted. More on that too. 

Since we are still cleansing (don’t tell anyone about the Diet Coke I had with lunch today), this is more of a preview of my first official entry, and after we are done with it next week, I’ll fill you in on how it went. We have had many successes in terms of learning about some new healthy snacks, and a few new recipes we’ll bring into the rotation that I'll share, and we have had a few failures involving a Pop Tart eaten in a crisis and the previously mentioned Diet Coke.

Cheers to new beginnings!


'HoulaMom said...

I actually just read through the recipes for the cleanse, and they sound so tasty! I bookmarked a couple, though I know I wouldn't stick to the entire two weeks.

Unknown said...

What a great way to start the new year. I think that many moms and professionals will thank you for helping them eat healthily without investing too much time in preparations. Kudos

Julie said...

LOVE this idea. And I will contribute via PW send whenever we come up with something on our end. I also love to cook and it has been an epic challenge to motivate and actually invest time in preparing meals, because it always seems like it will be unnecessary stress, yet it always makes me feel so much better afterwards. Weeknight meals, yes, but also entertaining!

Quyen said...

Looking forward to reading more! I'm always looking for meal ideas and shortcuts--especially stuff that can be done while my kids fight, whine, and get into trouble (aka 4 pm).

Siona said...

I'll be reading along as well! My preferred recipes are all 30 minutes or less, and healthy, tasty, and elevated is exactly what I like going for. I'm sure I'll be taking plenty of notes.

Kev frum BROOKLYN! said...

I'm looking forward to the "assuredly quick" part because all my 30 minutes or less recipes always take an hour except the recipes that go something like, go to market, buy prepared chicken, go home make instant mac-n-cheese and instant potatoes, put on plate.

Katie said...

Envy your cooking mojo...looking forward to catching your posts!

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