Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Still here.

A long weekend out of town followed by an attack of croup took me out of blog land for a while.

What we've been eating and cooking lately:

1) Memphis doesn't have a Trader Joe's. It was with deep sadness I learned this after moving here. However, there is one in Nashville, and don't think I didn't take the opportunity on our trip there to squeeze every last inch of my car with goodies to bring home. Here are about 1/3 of my purchases. By the time I got home, I had 1 large suitcase, 1 stroller, 1 toddler in large carseat, several tote bags, 2 large labradors and 6 Trader Joes grocery bags in my car. I've been enjoying the convenience and ease of the ready made stuff all week (see note above regarding croup) - Red Curry Sauce, jarred pesto, the Chicken Lemongrass spring rolls, the pre-marinated Carne Asada, the packaged fresh pomegranate seeds for salads, the individual mini bries... etc. 

2) I did find some time pre-croup to make banana bread and experiemented with brown rice flour and oat flour as partial substitutes for white all-purpose. It worked! Oh, and I was out of walnuts so I used pistachios. The banana bread feels slightly less decadent but tastes just as good.

3) Pre-croup we also had another work dinner here. Some repeats, but my favorites from the night were pre-packaged phyllo cups that I brushed with butter, and put slow cooked caramelized onions and goat cheese in and baked for 10 minutes at 350. I also did Cuban pork - my mom's recipe. (Buy a pork butt - so cheap! Marinate it in 1 cup of orange juice, 1 cup olive oil, 1/2 cup of lemon juice, 3 tbsp cumin, 3 tbsp oregano, 1/2 cup minced garlic (YES, that is correct), and a bunch of salt, and then the day you want it, pour off the marinade (save it) pop it in the oven at 250 for 6-8 hours. Boil down the marinade for a sauce. Voila!)

4) I read an article in Fine Cooking about sneaking vegetable purees into food to lower the calorie count and add vitamins. I think it is genius! We'll be trying this soon. Here is the article.

That is all for now, back to croupy baby duty.


Unknown said...

hahaha I love that you made a necessary stocking-up pit stop at Trader Joe's during Dan's b'day weekend. Approved on all counts (he probably knew he stood to benefit from the spoils LOL). Also a massive smile on my face when you confirmed the portioning of minced garlic in Mom's pork recipe. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas :-)

Kelly O Tweed said...

I add pureed butternut squash to pasta (w/fresh tomatoes). Started doing it to sneak in some more veggies for Collins, and then I tried it and it was YUMMY!. You can even cheat a bit by using the Cascadia Farms Organic kind that is in the frozen food section.

Jessie said...

Will you take me shopping at Trader Joe's?! I go in usually once a week, but it overwhelms me, I don't know where to start or what to buy, so I plop a few bottles of wine and a 6-pack of craft beer in my cart and call it a day.

Unknown said...

Sure! I can send you with a list in the meantime! Although it sounds like you are off to a good start. :)

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