Friday, September 19, 2014

Meal planning

Cooking in any sort of meaningful way has been on the backburner this past year, as evidenced by my infrequent posting. We still eat, but I marinate some chicken in some balsamic vinegar, garlic, olive oil, roast some vegetables and potatoes and call it dinner. Or some variation of that - steak, fish, rice, salad, etc. It is not exciting.

The challenge is to cook a menu that Dan considers paleo, that is not vegetarian (another Dan request), that I can easily add a starch to because I am just not into carb-free, and that can be easily broken down into kid friendly (like not serving with the sauce). This is not easy. 

So this week, I menu planned on Saturday, and went to Whole Foods (by myself!) and we have been eating much better this week and I really don't think it is taking THAT much more time day to day, just more planning on the front end. 

This was the menu this week:
Thai beef with basil (fine, but wouldn't do again)

And sides/lunches:

Dan ended up having to travel and I don't cook when he is gone, so some of these meals are on hold but so much better than boring chicken!!

My next projects include:
1) Claire's birthday party where I will feature Chocolate mayonnaise cake
2) Family visit - nice dinners 
3) Trying this meal planning website! Plan To Eat It looks like it might be the answer to all my meal planning woes. 


'HoulaMom said...

Thanks for the recipes! I always try at least one thing that you have listed when you do these. So far, so good. I can't wait to have the chicken sausage lettuce wraps, sounds delish.

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