Monday, September 23, 2013

Shivers of delight

So, I tallied up the six weeks for the Garen family since my last post, and here you go:

2 trips to the ER, 1 emergency trip to labor & delivery, 2 emergency vet visits, 2 after hours pediatrician visits, 2 regular pediatrician visits, 1 X-ray, several rounds of antibiotics.

That is all to say that we are all FINE, and baby is still baking happily inside. But it has been busy and leisurely cooking projects have not been top of our lists.

I did make this soup which was simply delightful and I froze a lot of it for days ahead. My freezer stash overall is looking pretty good considering I have two months of pregnancy to go.

I made a lot of toddler lunches to take to school. I took these pictures not only for you, but also for Dan, who gets to make toddler lunches when I end up delivering this baby.

Graham cracker, fruit strip, Annie's pretzels, toddler muffin, yogurt melts, grapes, string cheese, ham
Graham crackers, blueberries, string cheese, orange wedges, Annie's fruit snacks, organic deli turkey

Finally, Claire enjoyed a cupcake for the first time. (This is a blog about eating, right?!) I've offered her cupcakes before, starting at her first birthday. Her last birthday cupcake made her cry (picture an overly aggressive mom being like "HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE CUPCAKES?") but she wanted nothing to do with it and has shown little to no interest at other parties we went to. Well, I gave her one yesterday and this is what happened. She took a lick, and literally shivered in delight. She giggled to herself, and then, did a face plant. It was awesome; I only wish I had gotten it on video.

It likely won't be that different from my reaction to my first glass of wine in 10 months that I'll enjoy in December. 


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